Nisha Halo Jewellery

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Reflecting on 2022

It's this time if the year I embark on what I call  a 'cerebral spring clean.' This means sitting down and reflecting on the last 12 months.

I start with all I have to be thankful for, and all that has past - the highs, the lows, the lessons, the opportunities. Finally, what I need to take forward and grow, what to shelve and ditch, and what needs to stop or start.

This process is holistic - it doesn't just take into account my jewellery business, but it extends to my personal life, including my thoughts and behaviours. So by the time we reach the end of the year I have a plan of sorts, including useful reminders (you might call them affirmations) and resolutions. Perhaps a bit OCD? Well it works for me.  

So what about you, do you go through a similar process? Do you make resolutions for the year ahead?

Find out more about Nisha Halo here