The Time Is Now by Ulverston Jeweller Nisha Halo

Ulverston Jeweller Nisha Halo

I can't stop smiling at this moment.

Truth is, I was not sure I would feel like this, not yet.

There has been so many difficult experiences for many people during this epidemic. Overall, for me creativity has been food for the soul over the last fifteen months, despite the daily worry I had for others facing such difficult challenges and not coping well through lockdown. Then losing a very close friend earlier this year really tested my resolve.

You may have been on a roller-coaster of emotions yourself, and I hope you are feeling more positive now, especially as we edge out of lockdown.

Now, I admit, this weekend I feel deliriously happy. I think the Spring air, sunshine and beauty unfurling in nature has a part to play. But mostly, it’s because the reconnection with others is here - that is so important for so many people feeling very isolated or fearful, at this time.

My own imminent time with much loved family and friends is not something I have ever taken for granted, but is even more poignant now. I am sure many of you will be feeling the same way and I hope you are ok.

There are many organisations out there that can help with personal circumstances below :

Cruse: Bereavement support. Tel: 0808 808 1677

Mind: The mental health charity making sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone.  Tel: 0300 123 3393

Anxiety Network: Helping those with panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder.

Samaritans: Support for those with suicidal thoughts.  Tel: 116 123

Divorce aid: Support for those going through the divorce process. Tel: 0131 226 4507