What is Sustainable Jewellery or Eco-Friendly Jewellery?

Why Nisha Halo is a Sustainable Jewellery Company

So What Is Sustainable Jewellery or Eco-Friendly Jewellery, and Why is it Important?

Sustainable jewellery means jewellery that is mined with the smallest possible negative impact on the environment or none at all. Ensuring our handmade jewellery is made sustainably is extremely important to Nisha Halo. The damage done to the natural environment and wildlife hurts us all hard, and we need to do what we can to protect our surroundings. Therefore, Nisha Halo jewellery is handmade from carefully-sourced, high-quality raw materials, in a low impact manner, using product packaging made from recycled materials.

I will always look for ways to ensure Nisha Halo is as green as possible, and here is my pledge to you:

  • All your handmade Nisha Halo jewellery is made from 100% high quality, recycled precious metals sourced from Cookson Gold, who fulfil the highest ethical requirements. 100% recycled precious metals means these metals come without the associated human or environmental problems associated with mining. The beauty of precious recycled precious metals is that they can be  melted down and then recycled over again without losing their value and purity.

  • Your jewellery is handmade using natural, environmentally-friendly options in the jewellery-making processes such as oxidising silver, cleaning and polishing, instead of many commonly-used harsher chemicals and acids

  • I reduce, reuse and recycling everything possible in handcrafting your Nisha Halo jewellery to limit waste during the jewellery-making process

  • Your Nisha Halo jewellery is delivered in stylish recycled and eco-friendly jewellery boxes  

  • Your Nisha Halo jewellery is handmade in a private studio constructed from recycled furniture, benches and lighting

  • Shop our sustainable jewellery here