Why Are Heart Jewellery Pieces So Popular?

Handmade heart silver pendant necklace

Some of our most popular handmade pieces are heart jewellery crafted in silver and gold. So what is it about hearts that resonate with so many people?

We seem to be obsessed with the ‘heart’ symbol ❤️ it appears in jewellery, accessories, on clothing, artwork, advertising, and don’t get me started on emojis (yes, guilty of use) .

My clients often ask for hearts for commissioned jewellery gifts, as it symbolises their love. I feature puff hearts, bitten hearts, beating hearts and falling hearts, across my jewelry designs.

But what is it about the ‘heart’ symbol that fascinates us ? It is understood as a symbol of love, affection, and promise.  

But aren’t hearts frightening in that we can hear our heartbeat, thump, race, jump and drop? 🖤

Don’t heart symbols provoke pain in that they can be broken, attacked, or emptied?

Then they are heartless-hearted people that will steal and break your heart, and your heart can ache and burn at times.  

But I guess cold hearts can be warmed. Heavy hearts can be lifted. Hard hearts can be softened.

Hearts can be healed. Closed hearts can open.

As easily as it is to be half-hearted, our hearts can be filled to bursting. Weak hearts can grow strong. Big hearts can sooth incomplete hearts.

For me, hearts symbolise so many things, but ultimately, they have they the ability to hold an infinite amount of love and compassion. 

I love the fact that all of us can metaphorically ‘have a heart.’  Hearts should be felt and always followed.

What does the heart ❤️ symbol mean to you?

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